p5-PDF-Reuse (V) | Reuse and mass produce PDF documents | |
p5-PDF-Reuse-Barcode (V) | Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse | |
p5-PostScript | Produce PostScript files from Perl | |
p5-PostScript-MailLabels | Create PostScript for printing on mailing label stock | |
p5-PostScript-Simple | Produce PostScript files from Perl | |
p5-TeXLive-TLConfig | TeXLive Install Utilities | |
p5-TeXLive-TLUtils | TeXLive Install Utilities | |
p5-Text-Transliterator | Wrapper around Perl tr/../../ operator | |
papersize | Manipulate the default papersize in certain packages | |
paps | Pango to PostScript converter | |
pcps | Converts text files to PostScript(tm) | |
pdf-redact-tools | Strip metadata from documents before publishing | |
pdf2djvu | Creates DjVu files from PDF files | |
pdfjam | Small collection of PDF utilities | |
pdflib | C library to produce PDF files | |
pdflib-lite | C library to produce PDF files | |
pdfminer (V) | PDF parser and analyzer | |
pdvipsk | DVI-to-PostScript translator with Japanese support | |
pear-FPDF (V) | Unofficial PEAR FPDF-library | |
php-pdflib | PHP extension for PDFlib on-the-fly PDF generation | |
pmw | High quality music typesetting program | |
pnm2ppa | Filter to convert PNM file to PPA used by some HP DJ printer | |
podofo | Library to work with the PDF file format | |
poppler | PDF rendering library | |
poppler-cpp | PDF rendering library (cpp wrapper) | |
poppler-data | Support files for poppler | |
poppler-includes | Poppler Xpdf includes (unsupported) | |
poppler-qt5 | PDF rendering library (Qt5 wrapper) | |
poppler-qt6 | PDF rendering library (Qt6 wrapper) | |
poppler-utils | PDF utilities (from poppler) | |
poster | Resize a ps image to print on larger media and/or multiple sheets | |
pscal | Produces simple, nice-looking PostScript calendars | |
psify | Pretty print C, CLU, SCHEME, Java and ARGUS source files | |
psjoin | Concatenate PostScript files | |
pslib | C-library to create PostScript files | |
psutils | Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents (compatibility package) | |
ptexenc | Library for Japanese pTeX and its tools | |
py-arxiv2bib (V) | Get arXiv.org metadata in BibTeX format | |
py-bibtexparser3 (V) | Bibtex parser for python3 | |
py-cups | Python bindings for the CUPS API | |
py-dot2tex (V) | Graphviz to LaTeX converter | |
py-latexcodec | Lexer and codec for LaTeX | |
py-latexenc (V) | LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex | |
py-octoprint | Snappy web interface for 3D printers | |
py-octoprint-filecheck | Checks for common issues in uploaded files | |
py-octoprint-firmwarecheck | Checks for unsafe or broken printer firmwares | |
py-octoprint-pisupport | OctoPrint plugin providing information about your Pi in the UI | |
py-PDF2 | PDF library for python | |
py-pdfminer-six (V) | PDF parser and analyzer | |
py-pikepdf | Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf | |
py-pslib | Python bindings for pslib | |
py-pspdfutils | Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents | |
py-ptex (V) | Python Preprocessor for (La)TeX | |
py-ptyx (V) | pTyX is a python precompiler for LaTeX | |
py-ptyx-mcq (V) | Python precompiler for LaTeX | |
py-pydyf | Low-level PDF generator | |
py-reportlab | Powerful PDF-generating toolkit for Python | |
py-tex2pix (V) | Lightweight renderer of LaTeX to a variety of graphics formats | |
py-texml (V) | Convert TeXML to LaTeX or ConTeXt | |
py-weasyprint | Converts HTML/CSS documents to PDF | |
py-xhtml2pdf | PDF generator using HTML and CSS | |
pympress (V) | PDF presentation tool | |
qpdf | Structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files | |
qpdfview | Tabbed PDF viewer | |
R-knitr | General-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R | |
R-tinytex | Helper Func. to Install & Maintain 'TeX Live' & Compile 'LaTeX' Docs | |
rlpr | Work-alike of lpr to print directly to remote printer | |
rtf2latex | Filter that converts RTF (MS's Rich Text Format) into LaTeX | |
rtf2latex2e | RTF to LaTeX2e converter | |
ruby-Ascii85 (V) | Ascii85 encoder/decoder | |
ruby-asciidoctor-pdf (V) | PDF extension for Asciidoctor | |
ruby-net-ping (V) | Ping interface for Ruby | |
ruby-pdf-core | PDF::Core is used by Prawn to render PDF documents | |
ruby-pdf-reader | Library for accessing the content of PDF files | |
ruby-pdf-writer | PDF generation library | |
ruby-poppler | Ruby binding of poppler-glib | |
ruby-prawn | Fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby | |
ruby-prawn-icon (V) | Easy icons for prawn | |
ruby-prawn-svg (V) | SVG renderer for Prawn Ruby PDF library | |
ruby-prawn-table (V) | Provides support for tables in Prawn | |
ruby-prawn-templates (V) | Experimental extraction of template features from Prawn | |
ruby-rbpdf | Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin | |
ruby-rbpdf-font | RBPDF font files | |
scribus-qt5 | Publishing layout with graphical interface (Qt5 port) | |
seetexk | Utilities for manipulating DVI files | |
sile | Modern Layout Engine with Lua based scripting | |
stylewriter | Apple StyleWriter driver for un*x | |
tex-2up | Macros to print two-up | |
tex-2up-doc | Documentation for tex-2up | |
tex-a0poster | Support for designing posters on large paper | |
tex-a0poster-doc | Documentation for tex-a0poster | |
tex-a4wide | Wide a4 layout for LaTeX | |
tex-a4wide-doc | Documentation for tex-a4wide | |
tex-a5comb | A5 paper sizes support for LaTeX | |
tex-a5comb-doc | Documentation for tex-a5comb | |
tex-abc | Support ABC music notation in LaTeX | |
tex-abc-doc | Documentation for tex-abc | |
tex-abntex2 | Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules | |
tex-abntex2-doc | Documentation for tex-abntex2 | |
tex-abstract | Control the typesetting of the abstract environment. |